The Serra do Loureiro Estate is a 660.90 hectares (six hundred and sixty point nine) area adjoining the I. C. 1 (E. N. 5) along a 3 km front. The topography of the Estate is plains in the outer East and West areas with rolling hills into the central area.
The Estate is totally enclosed by a 1,5 m fence and is divided in nine parks. The Estate is mainly focused on forest production and offers very good conditions for the production of cork-trees, pine-trees and hunting and fishing.
Cork Pine-tree Cone Hunting
  About 50,000 cork-trees divided into 9 parks.     An area of 14 hectares of stone pine and 4 ha of cluster pine.     Over 660 hectares of pure adrenaline for the hunt of Wild Boar and Stock Dove.